I opened up Pinterest and came across this sweet and simple recipe from Robyn over at Add A Pinch. After seeing the delicious photo she posted of her sweet and tangy goodness, Lemon Sugar Cookies it was!
I loved the recipe and it was so easy! They were yummy with a sugary crunch on the outside. The lemon flavor truly made it a perfect summer cookie to compliment my dinner of crockpot chicken and potatoes. Consider me sold on these summer cookies!

I'm already looking forward to making them again! I also love that I easily had all the ingredients on hand. Perfect for a quick and yummy dessert.
It was a good evening, overall. Good food, great company, game night after the kids were in bed, and lots of Uncle and Erin time for the boys while they were up.
I don't know what it is, but my brother brings out the crazy in my boys.
Nothing but blurry phone photos for a good majority of the evening.

Except when Linus kept pleading for his Uncle to read and re-read Dr. Seuss.