Saturday, July 30, 2011

‎”Every mother, when she picks up the young life that has been born to her, looks up to the heavens to thank God for the gift which made the world young again. But here was a mother, a madonna, who did not look up. She looked down to Heaven, for this was Heaven in her arms.” -Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Thought this was beautiful and had to share <3 Thanks for the post Catholic Inspiration and anovaoo :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

My Dearest Geekman <3

Let married people remain on their cross of obedience, which is in marriage. It is the best and most practical cross of them and one of the most demanding, in that there is almost continual activity – and occasions of suffering are more frequent in this state than in any other. Do not desire, therefore, to descend from this cross under any pretext whatever. Since God has placed you there, remain there always. - Francis de Sales

My dearest GeekMan and I definitely had quite the journey during the delivery of our lil’ Bigfoot.  The reason I chose this quote is because my GeekMan did remain there always. He had to endure so much watching me go through the suffering that was part of our labor experience, meanwhile not being able to make it stop. I saw it in his eyes every time things got tough, but I also saw the Faith and Strength that God was sharing through him to me during different times of need. His eyes were steady, his strength was steady, his love in every moment we endured was constant.  All these things are what kept me going throughout our 51 hours of labor and delivery. Geekman was Christ to me in a very special way during the birth journey of our first born. He was that Christlike presence to me in a way we had both never experienced before. He pursued my best interest with courage. He made prayerful decisions that were hard to make at different times. He remained by me during my most difficult suffering, smiled with me during the exciting times, cried with me during the challenging and joyful times and so much more. All these gifts that he imparted to his wife (little me) then and as well as everyday since then in big and small ways are what have kept me positive and steadfast during these weeks of recovery.

So, my dearest GeekMan, I love you more than I will ever be able to communicate to you. Thank you for the amazing husband you are. And, Thank you for the amazing father you are. Your amazing husband and father status are quite the gift to give to our lil’ Bigfoot and to me <3


Monday, July 18, 2011

To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and thechildren. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way,the servant of the others. -Blessed John Paul ll

It's a...

Beautiful Baby Boy!!!!!  :D  Our sweet lil’ Bigfoot was born June 21st at 12:30 pm.  All 22 1/2 inches of him weighed in at a grand total of 9 lbs 6 oz!

Isn’t he gorgeous??! :D  Looks just like Daddy :)

Wow, so where to start this blog now that I’ve introduced our lil Bigfoot?? Well for one, even though I’ve sent out a ‘thank you’ to family and friends, I have to say THANK YOU again.  The support, amazing love, and constant prayers that were shared with our little family during our 51 hour trek of labor and delivery will never be forgotten. The prayers and love were constantly felt throughout every moment, which was such a gift for us! You all have no idea how much it meant and still means to us.  We are still so incredibly moved and so grateful for how God has shared this goodness with us through our parents (the new and wonderful grandparents), our siblings (two pretty awesome uncles), extended family/relatives, and our second family of friends.

Our Birth Story

As all of you know, I was praying and hoping for a natural/vaginal delivery.  And for the first two days and even on the third day I truly thought that it would come to fruition - given that I pushed for 3 hours while dilated at a 10. Bigfoot was positioned at a +2 - ready to meet his Mama and Daddy.  But, as it would happen, my bone structure and Bigfoot’s size were not friends. 

However, I was right about one thing!  Our lil’ Bigfoot must know the gift of the Mass. Sunday morning arrived and I started feeling slight contractions at 9:30 AM.  Not anything terrible at all so we decided to go to Mass figuring we needed to be nourished for the long-haul :)  We went to Mass and then during the Final Blessing, my water broke!  We felt excitement and a load of other emotions.  GeekMan ran to get the car in a frenzy while I waddled my way out of Church.  We called our obgyn and he instructed us to head to the hospital.  We went home, got all our needs together and hopped in the car to the hospital.

At this point there were so many thoughts and emotions circling us.  We couldn’t believe we would be meeting our little one within 24 hours (or so we thought lol)  Upon arrival to the hospital, we got all prepped and ready to go.  It was confirmed that there was amniotic fluid present and we were off to start our baby marathon.

All of Sunday and through the night we naturally were laboring and doing everything under the moon to induce and get consistent contraction to foster dilation.  Our 18th hour came early Monday morning and we ultimately opted for getting induced with pitocin in hopes to further dilate.  Hence, began our “medicated” birth, still hoping to avoid a c-section.  During this early morning time, because we had not slept or ate we requested to do so, which our Dr was wonderful about.  We then ate, slept, and then got ready for our next phase.

Pitocin started around 1pm and continued through the evening.  The contractions were consistent, getting harder, and we were doing our Bradley thang - coping and managing pain :)  Then came the shift change :P  The new nurse increased my pitocin by 6 units in a very short time frame.  My body was already responding well to the pitocin and dilating at the rate previously set, so this increase sent my body into straight hard labor contractions with no minute down times for about an hour and some.  The “and some” was when we were waiting for the anesthesiologist to bring me an epidural because the pain I was feeling was not normal and the contractions were not subsiding even after the nurse turned off the pitocin and tried to flush my body of it.  Fortunately, with your prayers we got through this time unharmed and lil’ Bigfoot remained the complete Champ that he is the ENTIRE time.

I think everyone on staff was always impressed with his constant strong heartbeat. He even had hiccups twice up to this point since labor started!

Well, after the epi-peppy kicked in they started the pitocin again and we were dilated at a 10 in no time. We were at a +2 by 7:30/8AM Tuesday morning.  We started pushing at 8:30 (as family and friends know :)) only to be interrupted at 9:30 because there was a truck on blazing fire outside my room! ..I kid you not… Code Red was announced and the next thing you know I was trying to push our lil’ Bigfoot out of me down the hospital hallways to my transition/more “safe” room.  Soon, drama quieted back down, we resumed pushing for another 2 hours only to find that our lil’ Bigfoot just was not going to fit.  We had been at the same place for most of the three hours and could not get him over my tailbone? I think it was because of his posterior positioning, but who knows.  After this, we were rushed to an emergency C-section.  Alot of this time turned into quite the blur, but dear Geekman managed to get a good deal of it on video.  I remember some, but admittedly, there are times I struggle to remember the sweet mama-moments because of the anesthetics given during the surgery.  All in all, surgery went as well as major surgery could go after so much laboring and for that we are incredibly grateful. Also, when the time came, GeekMan announced with tears in his eyes that our baby was indeed a baby boy! We were both crying as much as lil Bigfoot when we laid our eyes on our little miracle! Beautiful baby Bigfoot arrived at 12:30PM :)  Definitely, the best *gift* I’ve ever received in my life thus far!

Needless to say, things happened not as imagined but in the grand scheme of it all I know God’s Hand was always present keeping and protecting us.  Not only that, but God gave us this beautiful baby boy!  This pregnancy has been surrounded with such awesome prayer I know that all the beautiful lessons that God will have for us will continue to reveal themselves to us in the days to come.  We have already been overwhelmed with all the amazing doctors, nurses, and staff at the hospital.  They were all so incredible and kind.  Each one we met this past week truly has been a blessing.  The way they served us is beyond words.  Also, our family and friends have been our rock, and for that we will never be able to thank you enough. To be honest, each sentence in this one paragraph deserves a blog post in and of themselves, which I hope to do once I figure out how to manage baby time and my time a bit better :)

Since leaving the hospital, I have been on quite the little recovery journey, which is why I have been MIA. Not to mention learning the many ropes of mommyhood :) And apparently, the duration and stages that our labor and delivery took was equivalent to me delivering four babies. Eeps! My goodness, I am one stubborn woman! Anywho, since recovery was expected to be a bit challenging my mom and mother in law graciously offered to stay with me the following two weeks (a week each). Words cannot express my gratitude and gratefulness or any other emotion I feel towards having my mom as well as my mother in law here those two weeks. (I also hope to dedicate a blog post to these experiences because those two weeks really meant so much to me)  They both helped me figure out life with our lil’ Bigfoot as well as how to cope/manage recovery from labor and surgery :D  So, for now, another huge thank you to both of them for being so willing to come be by my side. And, a ginormous Thank YOU to my dad and father in law for the sacrifice they imparted by being willing to share their amazing wives with our family.
Yay!  Our lil’ growing family :D GeekMan and I are entirely grateful and pray that we have the Grace to be open to all that God still has planned in these upcoming weeks of recovery meanwhile adjusting to mommy and daddyhood.  :D  If anything, God really has already blessed him and I.  He has given us so many amazing opportunities to grow together as well as grow with Him in such a short time.  I feel I/we still need more time to digest it all :)

Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly. — St. Ignatius Loyola

Pray that we, as a family, will have the grace to embrace our vocations unreservedly so that He may mold us into all that we are called to be, each moment of every day.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

For now...

I have so much to write and have yet found the time to give my thoughts blog justice. Hopefully sometime this evening or tomorrow or perhaps on the 4th of July will I get to share all that has taken place over the past week and some.

Till then know that God has blessed us with our lil’ Champ. We are growing and learning together as days come and go and I look forward to trying to put everything into words in the next post.

For now, enjoy another beautiful song by Danielle Rose called “A Mother’s Song” - words and song below.

Beautiful Mother Mary, Pray for us.


A Mother’s Song

A Mother's Song by Danielle Rose on Grooveshark

I remember the night you came into this world.
I was trembling as they placed you in my arms.
Your body warmed my hands as I held you to my side,
And I wept with joy at the sound of your cry.

I remember the day you spoke your first words.
You said “Abba!”, raised your eyes to the sky.
As the years passed by, you grew in wisdom and in grace;
Though I taught you how to walk
You taught me how to walk in faith

And I loved you then. I love you still.
I will love you til forever passes by.
From the cradle to the grave, my love
Remains the same.
You will find me by your side, by your side

I remember the day you made the blind man see.
I was standing in the crowds when you looked and smiled at me.
People saw your glory;
They believed and they were healed.
But not even I your mother knew what was to be revealed


And I remember the day you carried the cross.
I met you on the road to Calvary.
I was pierced with sorrow; I was full of grace.
Child, let me die for you I would gladly take your place.
Just as I stood at the foot of your cradle,
I stood at the foot of your cross.
I am here my child; you are not alone.
I’ll be with you til you’re safe back in your Father’s home.

I remember the night you died for this world.
I was trembling as they placed you in my arms.
They took your body from the cross, and I held you to my side.
I wept bitterly my child was crucified.

And I loved you then. I love you still.
I will love you til forever passes by.
From the cradle to the grave, my love remains the same.
You will find me by your side,
You will find me by your side
You will find me by your side

motherhood // standing

  Never had I experienced true fear or anxiety till becoming a mother. Fragile little souls wrapped in beauty pla...