Thinking about // Nell over at Whole Family Parenting was talking about getting things done. I loved her energy and how she shared about her dad being known as a human
doing rather than just a human
I need to take notes. My mom is a human doing. I am not. It's not so much in my nature, but I need to take note. I'm pretty lackadaisical and enjoy finding rhythm in my day-to-day than having plans and schedules. But, this approach often allows for some of the smaller daily duties to get lost.
I'd like to be more of a doer as well as enjoy our daily rhythms. Thankfully, there has been grace today and a lot of doing has been happening. Pray that I learn/figure out a little way for me to be fruitful in consistency.
Also, with all the Breastfeeding Awareness posts happening this week and month, I've been thinking about sharing about my breastfeeding journey. I've been through it all, bad latches, thrush (more times that I will ever care for), mastitis, engorgement, night nursing, day nursing, etc. etc. etc. I feel I have lots to share, mostly in the thrush department. Given that I've had some terrible and resistant bouts of it, I'm pretty sure I have healing down pat - also, all mostly using natural alternatives because taking oral antibiotics never did a thing for me.
Anyhow, hopefully next week I can organize my thoughts enough to share. Thrush is so incredibly painful, part of me wishes I had already shared on my go-to treatment, but as time and life would have it, I have not.
Reading // My Facebook feed. Honestly, with all the tragedy going on, a part of me just wants to step away from all things current events related. Doesn't mean I'd stop praying, but it would lighten my heart just a little bit. And, a lighter heart is good for me.
As for books, we've been going through lots of Dr. Seuss in our house. My tongue usually starts to feel a bit on the funny side towards the end of the day. Especially after Fox in Socks By Dr. Seuss. As Dr. Seuss warns at the start, Take it SLOWLY! This BOOK is DANGEROUS!
Loving // My family. Loving my boys. They are at a really sweet age. Playing together, fighting together, talking together, sharing together, exploring together. I am loving the together! It's so sweet! And, my husband. Last night at bible study he flirted with me in a way that made my heart skip a beat. I felt like I was back in college meeting him for the first time. Funny how the littlest thing can so easily take us back to such a fun and sweet time. Haha, he thought I was ridiculous, but my heart really did melt.
Thankful for // I'm thankful for so many things right now. As much as I complain about the lack of sleep, back pain, or now my wonderfully pulled muscle that makes me walk funny (Gee whiz! I am feeling old!), things are really great right now. We are blessed with wonderful family, wonderful friends, and a beautiful faith. God is good. And, I'm thankful.
In the Kitchen // Between a playdate yesterday, bible study last night, and leftovers for lunch and dinner today, I haven't needed to cook for two whole days! Yahoo! We had a chili soup that lasted well and
coconut milk and lemongrass chicken that has also made it to our dinner table a couple times this week! The coconut milk and lemongrass chicken is
this recipe I've mentioned before but this time I made it with only chicken breast and in the crockpot. I'm a fan. Less fatty/greasy. Still flavorful and wonderful.
It's been awhile since I baked or made a fun dessert so I definitely do need to reconcile that. Hopefully with
this amazing cake from Shower of Roses. It's a
maple bacon upside-down cake! What??? I know. I really need an occasion and asap!
Praying // For all the turmoil in the world. For hearts to soften and heal. For wisdom for all in power to do what they can to make our world a better place. To protect. To serve when we can. There is so much tragedy right now.
Also, praying for all women who have lost a baby recently, who are suffering with infertility/sub-fertility, and for all women who are striving to live a life in love with Our Lord so that He may be known more.
Praying for my family, near and far. Praying for friends, near and far. And, praying for all the intentions of my family and friends.
O glorious prince St. Michael,
chief and commander of the heavenly hosts,
guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits,
servant in the house of the Divine King
and our admirable conductor,
you who shine with excellence
and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil
, who turn to you with confidence
and enable us by your gracious protection
to serve God more and more faithfully every day.
St. Michael, pray for us. Amen.
Captured // With all that's going on in the world, I'm thankful I can walk outside our home and find sunshine. The beautiful glorious sun in all it's wonder. The same sun that lets us have our playtime and enjoy His simple Goodness.
Evening swing. He's getting ready for bed. |
Bigfoot is getting to an age where he is engaging in more independent and creative play outside. Aside from him loving playing sports all the live long day, he is now venturing more. Fun times. |
Love the sun! |
Little sweetness. |
Brother see, brother do. |
Throwing rocks at the slide, because it's fun. |
They both really enjoy this. Maybe it's all the noise. |
My little climber. Woah! Woahhh! WoaahhHHHH! Now, every time he does something new or slightly daring you can here him saying these words over and over and... |
Bold. |
Summer fun. |
Summer sun. |
Time in his little fort. He always finds himself in this little space. |
He is so stinkin' cute! I mean, really! I love his little face! |
This little monkey is quite the cutie too! I share more pictures of his playground adventures here. He climbed up a level on the jungle gym. Something he's been trying to do for months! |
Thanks for stopping by!
Linking up with Jen and Jenna for 7 Quick-Takes and Currently. Click on the links to go enjoy other wonderful women!