Each of us must prepare ourselves for our own vocation and prepare ourselves to be givers of life. -St. Gianna Beretta Molla
To prepare ourselves to be “givers of life” sounds overwhelmingly huge! But, through the good Grace of God, this too is possible. In His own time and in His great Will, He is always nourishing and preparing us for all that is to come (something I am *constantly* reminding myself!)
Posted below is a picture that shows my womb at 30 weeks of pregnancy. Oh how there were so many fun changes that came with it. My womb has swelled with new life, which has been such a blessing and an incredible gift. It’s still hard to believe everything that has taken place these past 9 months. Our little one has been growing as God has intended. Our little ones Guardian Angel has been journeying with us all along the way. I imagine my husband’s Guardian Angel, my Guardian Angel and my little one’s have definitely become good friends these past months :)

So, a great big THANK YOU, to God for always preparing us for our vocation. You call us and provide us with all we need. I just pray that I remember all this Truth and Goodness when labor and delivery time comes! We are 39 wks and 3 days along today! Still hard to fathom that we are where we are! I just hope that I embrace these days to come and wait on the Lord with Joy. Admittedly, it has been difficult. When will baby come? What will it feel like? Where will it all start? Will I be able to manage all that comes with participating in my labor and delivery experience? Will our baby be a little boy or a girl? How long will labor last? And sooo many more questions! Again, I pray that I remember to Trust in His Will and remember Romans 8:28, a verse that Sr. Kathleen shared with me during our time together.
We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28