Traveling Bigfoot strikes again!
We made a drive down to Mama's hometown to visit family the last weekend in March.
The drive down there went as smoothly as a drive down there can go.
However, the drive back up North was pretty tough on you. Once back we found out that your right ear was on its way to infection, leaving us with some sleepless nights mixed in with quite some tears. That doesn't mean that you weren't always up to share some smiles, laughter, and cuddles.
Some photos of our weekend trip:
All smiles on the way down.

Checking out your great-grandma who loves you tons.
Checking out your great-grandpa who just lights up when he sees you. I love this old man dearly, but I will say, putting a smile on his face can be a task for most, but not for you!
Hanging out with your great-aunt.
Cozy in Nana's lap while snacking on some puffs after you ate quite the meal.
Roaming around in Grandpa and Nana's backyard. Grandpa loves hanging out with you in the yard. And you had so much fun watching the goats. They definitely got some laughs and smiles out of you.
At great-uncle Ruben's birthday party with Nonna. You got to see Nonna again! You were such a sweetheart with all the relatives. Smiling and laughing for everyone - even though you weren't feeling well.
We made a pit stop in Corpus at Grandpa Wooly and Nonna's home since the drive back was pretty tough for you and your achy ear. You had some good times with Grandpa Wooly in the short time that we were there. You are also sporting the walker Grandpa Ram and Nana bought you over the weekend. You've become quite the fan of this little walker!
Playing patty-cake with Grandpa Wooly and Nonna.
In that, the drive was going to be a tough one, Mama pulled out all the arsenals. For some reason, bottles can distract you and keep your intrigue so well! As demonstrated below:
We made a dinner stop at Rudy's BBQ. You had some of their bbq chicken and bread.
This weekend trip was definitely the most trying drive for all of us, but we were gifted with some lovely times and sweet memories with grandparents, great-grandparents, and relatives galore.