Storms, wind, and rain are what started our weekend with friends. Sunshine, cool breezes and all the amazing are what we were able to embrace as soon as the stir of weather blew through.
What was left after the storms was opportunity. Opportunity for community, love, memories, fellowship, laughter, beauty, and so much more.
The weather could not have been more magical. It was beautiful.

And this beautiful home that my friend's family has nourished is stunning in all possible forms. From this beautiful grotto...

to all the other little details they have scattered throughout the grounds.

We had a little May crowning while there. This grotto is just beyond stunning and all the kids decorated this beautiful space with all of roses.

The boys were so happy to be able to make another trip Muenster, TX. My oldest looks forward to it now the moment I remind him of this beautiful home that our friend's family shares with us. All 5-8 families that come and plop for a weekend.Lots and lots of happy.

Linus wasn't a fan of Lightning the cat and was pretty funny about it.

Bigfoot played sports all. weekend. long. with any and all persons who would acknowledge him.

Somehow I always manage a napping husband photo on our trips. The same husband who was claiming to always be up in the morning and full of all the energies. I think these photos are becoming a thing. Love you, babe ;)

As beautiful and filled with love this little grotto was, those poor poor rose bushes.

I'll tell you what, all these little kiddos became quite the hard workers when it came to loving the Holy Family.

Last funny was Linus. The boys loves horses. He found a few that were perfect for his little hands and dragged one in particular all throughout the weekend.

The sweet little horse was everywhere both days we were there.

I will say it did keep this little one quite content.

Time together. All the time together allowed for us to just embrace our little families. Spend quality time being present and away from all things related to the daily grind. Time filled with eye contact, hugs, fun, and play.

Working on a greater good.

All the while being surrounded by the sweetest and most beautiful of reminders of what it's really about. What it is always about.

"Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious."
-St. Thomas Aquinas