I'm alive! Haha, mostly that is.
We've been pretty busy this past week. Between bidding on a house that, for the time being, is not meant to be our home and Thanksgiving family fun and love, I have not blogged. Honestly, I am in complete admiration for all you amazing bloggers that are able to put out posts during busy seasons, hectic days, and after sleepless nights. For now, I am not one of those, but hopefully will be able to spend more time blogging and sharing our life during this beautiful Advent season that is upon us.
I'm hopeful only because I'm earnestly going to try and unplug. There have been so many beautiful posts that have been encouraging and wonderful! All sharing ways on how to be still. How to be quiet. How to embrace this wonderful time in our liturgical year patiently and joyfully - rather than with anxiety and stress.
After reading said-posts that have encouraged me to be more still and to embrace this journey to the birth of our Lord, I came across Haley's Unplugged Link-up and thought it was such a perfect idea! So yes, I'm unplugging. And, this is what I've got so far:
My main time consumer during my days and sometimes nights can easily be Facebook. I found my time on Facebook has changed over time. It used to be a tool to help me keep in touch with long lost friends from high school, college, and graduate school. And as much as it is still that to a degree, I find it is moreso my source of articles and news. I read, read, and read so many articles that get posted. Hence, time-consumption. I keep scrolling till I find something else to read and then read it. So, for this season, to help me focus more on making our home a peaceful space filled with joy and awe for the most beautiful and perfect Gift, my little Facebook app has been deleted it.
I'll be making a more concerted effort to leave my phone elsewhere when it's play time.
There will be more eye-contact and hugs.
Imagination and story time.
Less screen time and more music and dancing.
More prayer and spiritual reading than games and shows.
And, hopefully more blogging. As much as blogging does take some time, it forces me to think through where I am spiritually and as a mother and wife. Something that gets lost in my days if I'm not intentional about it.
So, here's to my first blog post post-unplug!
Now, back to What I Wore Sunday! I'm excited to be linking up with all the lovely women at Fine Linen and Purple. I've followed them for a little while and definitely have been inspired by their encouragement to be beautiful for Our Lord while at Mass and on a daily basis. Lately, since little Linus has not been a fan of sleep, I haven't been great about getting dressed nicely for our day-to-days but I've been going strong on Sundays.
Here I am!

Scarf: World Market (love this store!)
Sweater Dress: Banana Republic Outlet (a couple years back when I was first preggo with Bigfoot).
Leggings: Target?
Boots: Mikarose! (they arrived and I heart them!)
Jewelry: James Avery (Same that I wear day in and day out probably for the past two years. Haha. It's how I do in the jewelry department.)
I felt fun and trendy in my little outfit only to arrive at a very hot Mass! See, being in Texas you can go from 30 degree weather for three straight days to a a warmer day in no time, which completely messes with the system in church. It seems there wasn't enough time to cool off church seeing how just the day before the heater was just on. So, my outfit became scarf-less pretty quick - especially since I was wearing little, squirmy Linus in our Maya wrap!
Thanks for the fun link-up, ladies! And, I look forward to joining more often!
Prayers for a peaceful and joy-filled Advent!