I thought this was a fun idea. So here are my Real Motherhood photos from a few weeks ago. Things were crazy busy with our little family when I took these photos. Thankfully, crazy always has splashes of sweet when you have littles around.
These crayons get thrown on the ground somewhere in our home at least once a day. It's what Bigfoot does with his box of crayons. And then he picks them up to either leave them or throw them again.

Here's a little bit of the sweet that plays around in our beautiful mess.

Mixed in with more crazy from the mess artist himself.

Accompanied with some good tunes. Mess artists needs their jams for inspiration.

Now, this mama needs more than good tunes to get through laundry mountains like this, but I am thankful for the sweetness that fills our home to make mountains like this possible in the first place.

Head on over to Messy Wife, Blessed Life for more Real Motherhood posts!