We went to Muenster, a town that a friend of ours is from, at the end of March. Going to Muenster was so exciting for me, not only because we were able to spend it with other wonderful families that make our world a better place from our bible study, but also because it was a town I heard about from my best friend, Laura. She has family there and would visit it often while we were growing up.
We went to Muenster for a couple reasons. First, to go to Germanfest. And, second, to spend time with a bunch of kind hearts that we are so grateful for.
Below is our Bigfoot enjoying a stroll at Germanfest.

It was a beautifully, warm, Texas day. There was a nice breeze while at our friends ranch that made being outside so refreshing. While at Germanfest we were all definitely a little without a breeze but enjoyed our time there nonetheless.

We also stopped by to check out the Side Street Circus. They got a few laughs out of us, a couple of curious looks, but a completely unimpressed Bigfoot. I guess he's hard to please in terms of live entertainment.
After our time at Germanfest, we went back to our friends family ranch. It was a beautiful home that was spiritually nourishing. They had a big trampoline, swing set, beautiful grotto we got to snap some family images with our little one, a grill, cows and other farm animals, a pond, and so much more to enjoy. There were also a ton of wind turbines a few miles away which had my GeekMan so very excited. He apparently is a big fan of these.

Our sweet boy, pointing at St. Joseph. Maybe he knows that this sweet saint prays for him often.

Seph, you got to experience so many firsts while here. For starters, you slid down a slide that had you all smiles.

Little one, you jumped and crawled on a trampoline with your Mama. I dont think you knew what to think about the trampoline. But, I have a feeling the next time you experience a trampoline you will thoroughly enjoy it.

You *loved* swinging! We've gone quite a few times since Muesnter and you absolutely love it every time.

On Sunday we all went to Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Sweetheart, while we were here you were on the later end of a mystery virus. This mystery virus started with 3 days of fever, followed by an itchy rash that spread from your head to your torso. Sweet boy, you ignored the rash as much as possible and we gave you Benedryl to help you out some. All together you had a great weekend, despite mystery virus. While at Sacred Heart we asked for St. Joseph's intercession and I believe our sweet Lord answered him. There is a miraculous story regarding St. Joseph's intercession tied to this beautiful church we went to. When they have it posted on their site I'll be sure to link up to it.

We had such a wonderful time in Muenster and I, personally, can't wait to go back! Big thanks to Steve's mom, Steve, Katie, Claire, and Anna for sharing your family and home. We loved every moment and fell in love with this little town.
I'll hopefully be having a post marathon soon. I have so much catching up to do since our little family has been non-stop these past two months. We have birthdays, travels, family, and so much more to write about. *fingers crossed* I get to it!