It's that time of year again. The time where I so much want to unplug and embrace my days in a way that draws me closer to the Child Jesus and His birth. The time that I want to be more present to the reality that our sweet Mother walked and rode a donkey while pregnant in her last months along side St. Joseph all the way to an Inn with the manger that held Our Lord as an infant.
This year I'll be joining Abbey again for #HolyLens: Seeing the Sacred in the Everyday. I joined this past Lent and absolutely loved it. The photo journey helped me to be more present to our daily blessings and graces found in our every day present moments. I am looking forward to this journey during Advent this time around, but so you can get an idea of my experience last time, here's a glimpse of a few posts from last year:
Today's theme is watch.
To start, I shared this photo on Instagram. My parents were here for Thanksgiving and watched the boys for us from morning till late afternoon. This gave us time to go watch a movie at the nearby theater that just opened. The theater was amazing! The seats made me feel like I was watching a movie while in bed. They were so comfy! We watched the new Hunger Games movie and I really enjoyed it even though it was filled with tragedy and sadness. It was mostly true to the book which is always wonderful!

On Saturday, we went to a Christmas tree farm about an hour away. This was a long day, but filled with lots of memories and goodness, despite a few tantrums and some mischief. At the very end of our time at the farm that was ultimately a mini carnival for kids, we had a few extra tickets for some rides. The boys were tall enough for the kiddie Ferris Wheel so we encouraged them to give it a go.
As you can see below, Linus went first with no hesitation. He sat in the cage, got buckled in, and was off without a glance. He smiled on his way up and when he came down to see us. Such a brave little boy to jump onto his first ever Ferris Wheel without a hint of fear.

He conquered and yelled from his little cage, "Watch me, Mama!". Watch we did and could not have been more proud of him. He smiled a ton and was so proud of himself too. Rightfully!

I was so proud of them both. Their bravery was inspiring and I'm thankful I was there to watch them experience this little adventure.
It really is all the little things that make up our big things. The little things that bring me to love them both more and more. The little things that bring me closer to my husband in love and goodness. I'm thankful for the grace upon grace that helps me be present and I'm thankful for these little prompts from the Holy Lens journey that encourages me to see past myself and all the clutter!
What have you been able to watch or embrace in your day-to-day? Have you been able to find the Sacred in your Everyday? Join us on Instagram or Facebook on Abbey's FB page.
Linking-up with Gina for Embrace the Ordinary with this post because it is in the ordinary that we find the Sacred!
Linking-up with Gina for Embrace the Ordinary with this post because it is in the ordinary that we find the Sacred!