Seeing her face, being able to talk with her, hug her, and seeing her with the boys makes my heart happy!
Loving // Going to the Museum on Mondays with friends. This place is amazing, the boy L.O.V.E it, and I get to be alongside some dear friends.
Thankful for // November and all it brings. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I can't wait to host our first Thanksgiving in our new home with family! I'm so excited! Can't wait for all the baking, cooking, feasting, fun, fellowship, and memories!
Any favorite Thanksgiving recipes y'all recommend? I'm all ears and love trying new things!
Learning // About faith and virtue and how lacking I can be! I have so many loved ones that teach me so much about having faith as well as how to practice courageous virtue. Faith in the good times and the hard times. Faith during struggle and in joy. Faith in contentment and faith in suffering. All of this intermingled with such beautiful virtue.
I have so many posts swirling in my brain and pray that I will be able to share them sooner than later so I don't forget them! I know they all have a purpose and they are all something I want to remember. What better way to solidify some memories than share them on the blog?!
Hoping // That this last procedure I'll have done on my spine will be the last until I'm 80. I'll be getting a shot on Thursday that will go straight into the herniated disc. Even though I'm doing worlds better I know I'm still fairly fragile.
Also, hoping and praying that this medicine helps me heal well and quickly so that we can God-willingly welcome another little one into our family. My heart yearns to be a little home again for another sweet soul. Pray that this desire will come into fruition in His timing and according to His Perfect Will. And, hoping for the grace to joyfully embrace our path, whatever it may be.
Linking-up with the lovely Hannah over at Joyful Life for Currently.