Because I want to remember out little family traditions I'll be sharing our little to-do's on the blog this Advent.
I've been looking forward to Advent for many reasons this year, but mostly just looking forward to another season in the liturgical year that calls us to prepare, to wait on the Lord with joyful anticipation, and to prayer. These seasons are so good for my soul. The Church knows us and meets us where we need her most. She knows we all have seasons that we need to be called out of, seasons that make it hard to be present to the reality that Christ our Savior was born many a moon ago to Our beautiful Lady. That she journeyed on a donkey to birth her son and lay him in a humble manger.
There's just so much Truth and Goodness to soak up this season and I pray, with His Grace, that I am able to fully embrace all the joys of waiting and all the joys of the ultimate Gift so that I can share these fruits with my family.
On that note, I wanted to share five ways we celebrated the 1st day of Advent.
1. Celebrate Mass. I know this one is a no-brainer but there is something so very special when the Liturgy comes to life while praying the Mass. The vestments, the colors, the scripture readings all so amazing. Every single time.

2. Light the candle of Hope and say the first Advent prayer during dinner. The boys are at an age where they are pretty in awe of candles and they join us in prayers. It's the sweetest and I love that we are able to start and share this with them now.

Gosh, I kind of love our big tree a whole bunch! I have a ton of photos I took from our time at a fairly nearby Christmas Tree Farm that we went to this year on Saturday. I can't tell you how much I loved transitioning from Thanksgiving to Advent this year.

If you aren't familiar with this novena, it is a prayer that you pray daily (at one time or throughout the day) everyday up to Christmas. It's a prayer of petition and preparation. A prayer of Truth and adoration. If you haven't started, I encourage you to join in. I'm sure Our Lord and St. Anthony would meet you whereever you start! :)
Sarah over at Amongst Lovely Things describes it perfectly:
For those unfamiliar with the tradition: the St. Andrew Christmas prayer is said fifteen times per day from November 30th, the Feast of St. Andrew, until Christmas Day. It isn’t really a novena in the traditional sense, and it’s not even aimed toward St. Andrew. It’s a meditation on the incarnation, and it is a powerful way to prepare one’s heart for the birth of Christ. It has also been called the Christmas Anticipation Prayer.
She's written a lot on this beautiful prayer, so do head over to her site to read more. She's shared so beautifully on this prayer over the years and because of her, my husband and I are now praying it together.
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What Advent traditions do you have in your home? Leave a comment! Would love to learn more about how to embrace this season as a little family!
Also, I'll be sharing more as time carries on. I'm so excited to share about what we'll be doing for the Feast of St. Nicholas this year!