Thanking God for...
- I got to spend time at my happy place. I was so happy!

- And, even happier because I was able to introduce my boys to my happy place. South Padre Island made them SO HAPPY - especially Bigfoot. Or rather, the beach that is SPI, made them so happy because it allowed for such a great time! He absolutely loved every moment of it!

- We had safe travels to and from for our mini-vacay! This is kind of a big deal since we were traveling a good 12 hours (kids make traveling last a bit longer) to get to our destination. There were bouts of crying and craziness, but we made it! In one piece!
- My husband for driving all the live long day (X2).

- My parent's for giving us two date nights! In a row! I can't remember the last time we were out and about sans kiddos for two nights in a row.

- Getting to spend some awesome quality time with my brother and Erin. Both boys loved having their Uncle around! And, so did I!

- Thankful for my Mom. God has blessed us with another amazing year with her and we were able to celebrate her life all together! Such a gift!

- Grateful to see family while back home. We got to squeeze in some moments with extended family. We're always so thankful for any time we get with them. We do miss them terribly and decided we just need to make separate trips to solely visit extended family that way we can really get our fill! Till then, we're thankful the Lord allowed for the time he did.
- Thankful that we were able to see Sister Kathleen! And, she met the boys! The moments were so beautiful and I will treasure them forever! (I'll definitely have a separate post with this precious woman!)
- I know I'm missing some things to be thankful for. Our hearts were filled abundantly this past week, which I'll be posting about all this week. Get ready for lots of pictures of our beach memories!
Looking out my window...
- I spy a rainy day Monday and I am loving it. Nice overcast, a drizzle here and there... My kind of day of recovery from travel.
I am praying...
- I'm praying for grace. This mama is need of lots of grace. Lots and lots of grace.
I am reading...
- Since we've been out and about all week I haven't read any blogs! Oye! I'm way behind on all the good stuff that was put out in the blog-world this past week. Can't wait for some time to catch up over a cup of coffee!
I am creating...
- Working on the blog and the many blog posts that I have stirring. I have so many pictures to share from our beach trip; photos filled with family, friends, memories, and God's gifts!
I'm learning...
- I have no idea what I am learning. I am that non-insightful at the moment. But, never to fear, I know God and the Holy Spirit will give me a gentle smack in the face soon enough. I'm sure there are endless things for me to be learning right in front, but I am just not there right now. *sigh*
I am pondering...
- Nada. As mentioned in my ^learning tid-bit^, I am not insightful at the moment. This is most likely induced by not getting much sleep all week, lots of sun, lots of traveling, and did I mention I need more sleep?
In the kitchen...
- I froze some leftovers before leaving for our trip. So I have managed to clean the kitchen up to my liking and will do absolutely nothing aside from warm up some leftover goodies.
I'm wearing...
- Jammies. We're in recovery mode over here. As much as our mini-vacay was AWESOME, it was also exhausting!
Look what I found...
- Written by the Finger of God - I think this may be my new favorite blog! While reading her posts I feel like I am chatting with a good friend - a kindred spirit. So fun! Thanks, Jenny, for introducing this post to me!
- Real Motherhood Link-up - Found this fun link-up a few weeks ago. They mentioned on their blog that they would be having the first little party Labor day weekend. I'll be linking up a post with my Real Motherhood pics later today.
I am looking forward to...
- Getting back into the swing of things. Nap times! Sleeping in my bed! The boys sleeping in theirs! A swing that will rock sweet Linus to sleep for me here and there. And, just being home.
One of my favorite things...
- Ice-cream cake!!! I forget how absolutely yummy these things are! We had one for my mom's birthday and it was a great idea, not only for celebratory purposes but also for the happiness of my tastebuds! Must find a reason to buy an ice-cream cake ASAP! Any fun Feast days coming up? Reasons to celebrate? Our birthdays, anniversaries, and baptism days have passed, so I'm in search of a reason to buy a cake. Suggestions?
The week ahead...
- Routines! Home! Sleep! Cooking! Laundry... Cleaning... Catching up... Blogging! Bible Study! Friends! Play dates (if I'm feeling ambitious)?
This moment of Bigfoot enjoying God's beautiful gift. He was running along the beach covered by the huge shadow of the condo behind us. I'll go ahead and add this picture in for Theme Thursday over at Clan Donaldson.

Sweet Linus having a blankie moment for a nap while at the beach.
Bigfoot giving me this shell. A gesture that captured my heart.
It's the little things that make my heart flutter...
Head on over to Suscipio for more CWA posts!