Continuing with some photo-fun of our weekend away.
To recap, every year we take a small trip with our friends from bible study. It's a great time, every time, for the kids and the adults. It's like a big family sleepover that I will say yes to again and again. Seeing the boys get to play with their friends and make new memories with each other is wonderful. And, getting the chance to parent alongside friends who are in the thick of parenthood is affirming, encouraging, supportive, and nourishing for our young parenting hearts.
Onto our fun. There was a loft above the gameroom that was perfect for the elementary aged kids, equipped with chalkboard, dolls, building blocks, bean bags, and a television for movie time.

Air-hockey. I didn't get to challenge my husband on this one. Wish I would have made time for that because playing games like this with him is fun. But, I'm glad the little ones got to enjoy it!

Amazing little dream world filled with friends, your sibling, and little-sized everything!

Haha, okay, this next shot had me cracking up so much! My husband was playing with a little toy propeller. The kids were loving how high he was twirling it! Meanwhile, out of no-where, a little butterfly landed on his butt!
ot only did it land on his bum, it lingered! And lingered. And lingered!
Then he shewed it off only for it to come back to the same spot! The exact same spot! I went to grab a shot but in between landings one of our friends called out,
What are you?? A flower??!
And, I could not. stop. laughing! My husband. The walking flower. And, the location of where this beautiful little butterfly is just what killed me. This is far from flower land if you ask me. Love you, babe!

Thanks for enjoying this little trip with us through these photos! I love that I can share them here and pray that any and all families with littles gather some family friends and get yourself a little trip nearby booked! Cost of places and food spread among many families really can be worked out if you find the right place and plan ahead enough!
This time together is nourishing and I promise you won't regret a second of it!
Have you ever taken a trip with a number of friends who also have littles? What was your favorite part?
Linking-up with Jen for Quick-Takes and with Aimee for Beauty Find Friday.