Bigfoot. 3. Wants to grow up, loves to give the best hugs, and wants to be a professional drummer.

Linus. 1. Loves his eehh-phatt (Translation: Elephant), nose-kisses, and mostly likes sleeping in his new toddler bed sharing a room with his big brother!

These brothers: Love the sunshine, sliding, and chasing each other.

Where I've been this week: Celebrating the gift of marriage God has blessed me with! My parents came in town on Tuesday, my husband took a half day as well as Wednesday off, and we have been out and about celebrating our 5 years together. We ate out a number of times (We heart good food and I'll be sharing our yummy finds soon!), caught a movie, ran some errands together, and just enjoyed each other. It. Was. Perfect.

And y'all, I really am floored at the nomination for a Sheenazing award. I mean really really really really really really floored! But so very grateful!
Years ago, I stumbled into this beautiful space of web. I journeled and journeled and journeled until my software engineer of a husband nudged me to get with the times. Got with them I did. We were, and still are, far from family. We wanted a way to keep in touch. To share our lives with them and friends. Never did I expect to find the beautiful community I have with this little space.
This Christ-filled blogosphere, evangelizing Truth and Goodness with an honest dose of I'm-walking-right-there-with-ya, has given me so much encouragement, joy, fun, laughs, and friendships. It's been an amazing journey that I never anticipated but am forever grateful for.
Which ultimately means, thank you, dear readers. Readers that are named as family and friends from prior to the birth of this blog and new friends that have found themselves in my little space of hodgepodge. I really can't thank you enough! And to any new readers over from Bonnie's, WELCOME!! So excited to have you here too!!
I pray that I can offer bits of encouragement and prayers as I have been encouraged and prayed for by others through the webs. I pray I can offer a little space for community and beauty on the days that are tough, rotten, and crazy as well as the days that are joyful and seamless.
Thank you. Thank YOU! THANK YOU! And, I'd hug y'all if I could because I'm a hug-er.
So on that note, if you feel so inclined to share a vote for me in the Miss Congeniality category, head over to Bonnie's! And at the very least head over to Bonnie's A Knotted Life to see how wonderful she is as well as find tons of other amazing new reads for your blog reader of choice!
Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, pray for us.
Note: These photos were taken with my Android Nexus camera since I haven't been lugging around the Sony. ;) Hoping to have some Sony captures this weekend.
One more note: Our anniversary is actually tomorrow and I really wanted to have the How We Met story up on the blog, but time has not been on my side for this post. I'm still aiming for it, but it's not a guarantee. Either way, expect it soon and get excited because it's kind of ridiculous.