Currently: We got hit with a mystery fever on late Friday evening that the boys just haven't been able to shake. Linus started first on Friday night. Then Bigfoot followed suit soon after on Saturday afternoon. The boys have been planted on this little couch of ours that I honestly can't wait to replace, but I'm thankful we have it so we can keep on keeping on in the snuggle department.
That's what this mystery fever has brought us: lots o' snuggle time, lots o' mama time (You'd think they'd be over me!), and lots of reading, kisses, temperature taking struggles, medicine, lukewarm baths, blankets, LeapFrog, pillows, and a movie.
Confession: I'm not a fan of mystery fevers. There's so much unknown and that just makes me anxious. What if it's something serious that needs to be checked? They seem fine, but are they really? And all the other mama-thoughts that can easily start to swirl and unravel me.

Loving: Mystery fever has also brought some really sweet togetherness. Since they are suffering, they've chosen to suffer together and it's the cutest. The sweetest. And, makes me love them even more (if that's even possible!). Also made me think of what Pope Francis said:

Love this image by Blessed is She. Please, if you aren't already on this devotional, get to it. Head to their website and sign up. You'll get daily devotionals with a beautiful feminine touch reflecting the days' scripture reading.
In their little way, they are helping each other through this mystery fever. I see how they draw energy from each other. When one is down the other tries to cheer him up and vice versa. I'm glad I captured their love and togetherness during this little time of suffering. Poor babies just aren't feeling well. But being together does feel good.

Thinking about: As much as I can easily complain about being tied down to said couch only to get up 100 or so times to get whatever little thing that they may be requesting at any little moment, I really can't. To be honest, I've loved the slowness that has come. As much as I hate that they aren't feeling well, I have loved holding them, tending to them, giving them the hugs and snuggles that reassure them that everything is going to be okay.

Thankful: Normally, this wouldn't be the case. I tend to the side of being gripe-tastic. All I can say about that is there has been lots of grace around here. Lots of it. Just as much, or more (let's be honest), than all the snuggles, blankets, requests, medicine, pillows, naps, and fussiness. This truth that has been so obvious makes me sooooo incredibly thankful! Andddd I also kind of love that I was able to watch Sound of Music with the boys yesterday.Pretty sure they kind of loved it. I chalk that up as a Parenting/Mama-WIN!

There are always so many things to be thankful for. Everyday. Whether we think of them or not. But, again, this community that I'm a part of online and where we are through our family and friends we had hundreds of faithfuls praying for him. The Body of Christ is so good and so true. Something I was so grateful for during high school and college and am now seeing in a new light as a young married mother. It's beautiful.
So, thank you for your prayers and your faithfulness. Thank you for saying yes to the little things. Because more and more I see how these little things define His Will and goodness for us. Every little thing.

Thinking about friends I'm blessed with and friendship in general. Good and holy friendship that carries me. Carries us! Meets us where we are. Makes me and our little family better.
Prior to Mary from Better than Eden wrote this post on friendship there have been a number of posts on the topic swirling in my head. Throw in two sick babies and I'm at peace with my receiving an over-abundant amount of snuggles and snot as much as my swirling thoughts itch to get typed. In due time they'll be written and shared. But today is not that day.
Also thinking about Abandonment to Divine Providence by Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade.
“There is not a moment in which God does not present Himself under the cover of some pain to be endured, of some consolation to be enjoyed, or of some duty to be performed. All that takes place within us, around us, or through us, contains and conceals His divine action.”
― Jean-Pierre de Caussade, Abandonment to Divine Providence
“In the state of abandonment the only rule is the duty of the present moment. In this the soul is light as a feather, liquid as water, simple as a child, active as a ball in receiving and following all the inspirations of grace. Such souls have no more consistence and rigidity than molten metal. As this takes any form according to the mould into which it is poured, so these souls are pliant and easily receptive of any form that God chooses to give them. In a word, their disposition resembles the atmosphere, which is affected by every breeze; or water, which flows into any shaped vessel exactly filling every crevice. They are before God like a perfectly woven fabric with a clear surface; and neither think, nor seek to know what God will be pleased to trace thereon, because they have confidence in Him, they abandon themselves to Him, and, entirely absorbed by their duty, they think not of themselves, nor of what may be necessary for them, nor of how to obtain it.”These two quotes and just the whole stinking book make the duty in which we are presently called to seem so easy! I love him for that. The present moment. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just here. His words speak so much to my mama-heart. Share so much wisdom that clicks and makes my little duties come alive.
― Jean-Pierre de Caussade, Abandonment to Divine Providence
I read this book back in college. Reading it now as a wife and mother sheds new light on everything I do. It's kind of amazing. You should definitely give it a go if you've never read his works before. The simplicity and profoundness is encouraging. His wisdom in beautifully nudging us into the present also is one of the best arms to engage when battling anxiety. In other words, in my time of tending to my little ones while sick, his words have settled my stirring heart.

Confirmation: Mid-post I took the boys to the doctor. It has been confirmed that we do, in fact, have a mystery fever on our hands. It could be the flu or some other virus with a name I've never heard of. All which will run their course. Poor babies.
Offering our sick days for your intentions and some of our own. How is your Monday going? Pray it's been a good start filled with lots of coffee and present moment awesomeness!